Most of people claim that at some point of ther life they had a lifechanging experience. This blog I dedicated to mine - WINDSURFING.

Friday, July 18, 2008


In this post I'd like to introduce my favourite surfspot - the DUNAT BAY. It's situated in Europe, Croatia, on western side of island Krk.

There are several great things about this surfspot:

1. SAFETY - it's a closed bay, with only one entrance from the southern side, so if anything happens during your windsurf session, there's always a coast nearby.

2. APPROACH - the spot is right next to the road - you don't have to carry your equipment from the car to the water

3. WIND CONDITIONS - in this region, there are several types of wind that should be considered when talking about windsurfing. The most important is BURA.
- BURA is a wind that comes in the strongest version during the winter, but even in the summer, it's great for windsurfing. It' lasts for 3-4 days, and on Dunat it provides flatwater conditions. It's a cold wind that comes from the mountains to the sea, with a SW direction.

- The second most important wind of note is JUGO. Jugo is a warm wind, that blows from the coast. It is usually connected with rainy weather. As stated in the name (JUGO - translates to something like SOUTH / SOUTHERN from Croatian) Jugo comes from S / SSE direction and provides waves conditions in Dunat bay.

4. HISTORY - during a session break, while recovering your strenght, you can always explore around. Here is a picture of an old church, built in the 9th century, situated in the bay.

5. ALTERNATIVES - when there is no wind, you can always go wakeboarding at one of the largest ski lifts in Europe that is also situated in the bay. There are also great MTB tracks, restaurants and bars located in the vicinity.

6. ISLAND WITHIN AN ISLAND - the coolest thing about this spot is a small island called KOSLJUN that is located inside the bay. It's inhabited by several monks that live in a monastery, but also take care af a small museum, that you can visit with a ferryboat from the nearby village Punat (eastern side of the bay).

Here is a picture of the entire bay, taken from the mountain southern from the bay.

Enjoy the view!


Anonymous said...

the last picture looks like a moon. r u sure ur not an astronaut? is this nasa playing with us? lol. love the spot, man. where is it? eastern europe?

Wind Bohem said...

Yeah, it's in Mediterranean, northern part of Adriatic sea, just eastern of Italy. The picture shows part of an MTB track called "path to the moon", so I guess you were close